The Office of International Services welcomes new international colleagues to Oregon state by providing remote orientation and check-in services.
The orientation materials for international employees, visitors and their family members is accessible online.
Orientation Topics Include
Setting up accounts (housing, bank, identification, library, schooling for children)
Living in the US (getting involved, language and professional development, entertainment)
Everyday essentials (health, safety, regulations) and more!
All H-1B Employees must complete the check-in process by contacting an International Employee Advisor upon beginning their appointment at OSU.
Providing orientation for J-1 Exchange Visitors is a requirement of the Department of State, and document check-in is needed to validate the Exchange Visitor's SEVIS immigration record.
All J-1 Exchange Visitors must complete the document check-in process using IP Connect within 30-days from their DS-2019 Program Start Date.
Once this step is completed, International Services validates the Exchange Visitor's SEVIS record by changing the status to "active". This validation notifies the Department of Homeland Security that the Exchange Visitor has arrived and plans to begin their J-1 scholar program, and updates their US address through the SEVIS immigration system. This step is needed prior to applying for a driver's license or social security number (if eligible). Late or incomplete document check-in may result in the automatic cancellation of the Exchange Visitor's program and immigration complications.
Complete the Document Check-In Process