The Student Intern category within the Exchange Visitor program allows international students to gain related career experience and contribute valuable knowledge and skills to Oregon State University. Participants can immerse themselves in American life, culture, and society and share their own values and viewpoints. While pursuing their professional goals and forging new networks, this program is a launch pad for career advancement and a gateway to cross cultural understanding.
The internship position must:
Students must:
Be currently enrolled in a post-secondary academic institution outside the US
Be in good academic standing
Return to their home institution and fulfill or obtain a degree after the internship program
Verify that their English language skills are sufficient to function on a day-to-day basis in the internship environment
The maximum program length of this category is 12-months, or until the student's degree is awarded, whichever is soonest.
Under the Student Intern category of the Exchange Visitor program, participants are limited to one internship per degree level.
Student participants are eligible, but not required, to enroll as a non-degree student to take up to 8-undergraduate credits or 6-graduate credits related to his/her academic field. Tuition is charged as a non-resident student.