The 3-day homestay program welcomes new international students, faculty and visiting scholars to the Corvallis area. Crossroads volunteers open their homes to offer friendship, hospitality and language/cultural assistance for new arrivals. Homestay hosts give new arrivals a ‘soft landing’ in the United States and help them get started in their life in Corvallis.
Friendship Support Connection
Three-Day Home Stay hosts assist students coming to the U.S. for the first time at the beginning of fall, winter, and spring terms (September, December, March) to ease adjustment to a new culture. Students stay with an American host or family in the community, and learn about American home life and the Corvallis - Benton County community. Hosts need not have a large home - though a private sleeping room and access to a bathroom (shared is fine), is considered a minimum standard. This is often a wonderful and memorable experience for OSU students/scholars and host families - and we receive many repeat host volunteers each year.
We are always looking for new hosts--particularly for the September arrival dates. If you wish to host, please complete the Host Application and email to the Crossroads’ home stay coordinator.
Staying with a host family is a great way to learn about Corvallis, the local colleges/universities and develop a long lasting friendship. New international students and scholars wishing to have a home stay should complete the Student/Scholar Application and email it to the Crossroads’ home stay coordinator.
Please note that it may take several weeks to match you with a host family. It is highly recommended that newly arriving students/scholars have their longer term housing arranged before arriving in the U.S. Please refer to the University Housing & Dining Services housing information.